Submitted by:Sandra Webb, CFO
Please change address to:
Richmond County Hospice, Inc.
1119 N. US Hwy 1
Rockingham, NC 28379

Institution representatives - add corrected or new information about RICHMOND COUNTY HOSPICE INC »

Phone (make sure to verify first before calling): (910) 997-4464

Other nearby hospitals and nursing homes

Employment Full-Time Equivalent
Licensed Practical Or Vocational Nurses : 3.00
Registered Professional Nurses : 19.20
Other Salaried Personnel : 8.00
Medical Social Workers : 2.20
Home Health Aides : 11.90
Counselors : 1.60
Volunteer Physicians : 4.00
Homemakers : 5.50

Provided Services
Counseling Services
Home Health Aide Services
Homemaker Services
Medical Social Services
Medical Supplies Services
Nursing Services
Occupational Therapy Services
Other (Not Specified) Services
Physical Therapy Services
Physician Services
Short Term Inpatient Care Services
Speech Pathology Services

User Contributions:

Lesley Houser
This facility dumped my disoriented, sick father on the curb of his apartment complex without notifying the family. The next day he is rushed to the hospital as he was deemed unfit to live by himself. He is physically handicapped, only has one leg, has bed sores all over his body, and has been declared mentally incompetent by ER doctors. CAT scans today show that he is in the same condition as he was when he was placed in Richmond County Hospice. His skin is yellow from jaundice and it appears that his liver is failing. He is too weak to lift his head off the bed. He can barely speak. Why did they discharge him so suddenly without telling the family? He was hallucinating only hours after they dropped him off. The only way we found out he was discharged was because the apartment manager called my brother and asked if he knew that my dad was being dumped off by an ambulance. Richmond County Hospice refused to do anything more to help us until I outed them on their Facebook page. They promptly deleted all my negative comments and my unflattering review. They then called my brother and asked him to tell me to stop making "disparaging" comments on their FB page because it makes them look bad. I talked to some head person named Christina Leyden and she admitted that equipment should have been set up at dad's apartment before releasing him but that never happened. They just left him to his own devices. They have no intention of trying to make this right. That was made clear to me.

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