Hospital and Nursing Home Profiles  

Accidents - 6-15 years old - Year 2010 - Neck


Back to NEISS Data Home, Hospital Data.

Number Of Accidents (Estimate): 48,153
See also: Other years, Other age groups, Other body parts.

Accidents - Sex

Accidents - Race


Football: 8,466Trampolines: 2,885
Basketball: 2,011Bicycles or accessories: 1,989
Soccer: 1,986Beds or bedframes: 1,921
Cheerleading: 1,785Wrestling: 1,155
Stairs or steps: 1,128Gymnastics: 1,108
Swimming pools: 842Swimming: 802
Baseball: 789Floors or flooring materials: 778
Sofas, couches, davenports, divans or studio couches: 741Monkey bars, playground gyms or other playground climbing apparatus: 725
Amusement attractions: 710Bathtubs or showers: 677
Sleds: 637Snow boarding: 589
Swings or swing sets: 576Softball: 568
Sports and recreational activity: 513Horseback riding: 509
Exercise: 456Roller skating: 432
Diving or diving boards: 425Slides or sliding boards: 425
Snow skiing: 407Ice hockey: 401
Day wear: 389Doors: 382
Chairs: 372Lacrosse: 370
All-terrain vehicles: 367Two-wheeled, powered, off-road vehicles: 358
Tables: 352Fishing: 341
Surfing: 306Footwear: 301
Skateboards: 295Built-in swimming pools: 292
Balls: 264Martial arts: 254
Go-carts: 244Fences or fence posts: 239
Ceilings and walls: 238Ball sports: 235
Weight lifting: 234Volleyball: 231
Bunk beds: 222Other playground equipment: 218
Poles: 210Bleachers: 160
Jewelry: 158Hockey: 156
Fireworks: 142Other toys: 140
Pillows: 138Combs or hairbrushes: 136
Track and field: 135Hot water: 132
Tableware and accessories: 132Pet supplies: 121
Playground equipment: 118Toilets: 115
Exercise equipment: 108Rope or string: 106
Drinking straws: 99Telephones or telephone accessories: 93
Book bags or back carriers: 93Outerwear: 93
Chair, recliner: 93Other ball sports: 90
Porches, balconies, open-side floors or floor openings: 82Water tubing: 81
Hammocks: 77Motorized vehicles: 76
Riding power lawn mowers: 76Water slides: 73
Nonglass bottles or jars: 71Knickknacks, statues, vases or urns: 71
BBs or pellets: 71Other unpowered garden tools: 70
Nonelectric toothbrushes: 70Tool sheds: 64
Bars and bar accessories: 63Automatic doors: 63
Flotation toys: 63General purpose household cleaners: 63
Field hockey: 63Desks, chests, bureaus or buffets: 60
Snow tubing: 43Detergents: 38
Tennis: 37Gas, air or spring-operated guns: 32
Dancing: 32Containers: 32
Wire: 32Benches: 32
Manual cleaning equipment: 32Ladders: 32
Clotheslines or clothes drying racks: 32Minibikes, powered: 32
Clothing accessories: 28Computers: 26
Camping equipment: 22Cabinets, racks, room dividers and shelves: 21
Televisions: 21Pens and pencils: 21
Swimming pool slides: 21Scooters, unpowered: 21
Hair curlers, curling irons, clips & hairpins: 21Cookware: 16
Blankets: 16Grocery or shopping carts: 16
Public equipment: 16Baby walkers or jumpers: 16
Furniture: 16Lighting equipment: 16
Chains: 15Padlocks, chain locks or other locks: 15
Artificial flowers or plants: 15School equipment: 15
Garden hoses, nozzles or sprinklers: 15Riding toys: 15
Doll houses and other play scenes: 15Soaps: 15
Books, magazines, albums or scrapbooks: 15Mattresses: 15
Badminton: 15Stretch cords or stretch straps: 15
Doorsills or frames: 10Skating: 10
Windows and window glass, other than storm windows: 10Kitchen gadgets: 10
Barstools or kitchen stools: 10Handrails, railings or banisters: 10
Knives: 6Window shades, venetian blinds or indoor shutters: 6
Tetherball: 6Building sets: 5
Ice skating: 5Costumes or masks: 5
Toy bows or arrows: 5Windowsills or frames: 5
Nightwear: 5Tarpaulins: 5
Baby gates or barriers: 5Scissors: 5
Stereo or hi-fi components or accessories: 5Waste containers, trash baskets or refuse bins: 5
Futons: 5Bed rails: 5
Pipes: 5Decorative water features: 5
Butane or LP gas meters: 5In-line skating: 5
Darts: 5Rugby: 5
Roller hockey: 5Light bulbs: 5
Street hockey: 5Tools: 5
Other toy weapons: 5Microwave ovens: 5
Sinks: 5

Back to the top does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of any information on this site.  Use at your own risk.  This data has been compiled from multiple government and commercial sources.  Additional information about prescription drugs is coming up.